Computing at Knowle
Intent: Why we teach your child computing and what we teach.
The society we live in is becoming more reliant on computers and most jobs encounter the use of technology. A high-quality computing education prepares children for accessing these jobs. Teaching computational thinking and problem solving allows children to develop the skills they need to use technology effectively and safely.
Children enjoy the feeling of solving of a problem, through a hands-on approach, computing lessons give all children the opportunity to feel a sense of accomplishment, whether that be fixing a bug in their code, programming a robot to follow a command, or creating their own game.
Children need to know how to use the internet safely, teaching children how to stay safe online and giving them the skills to recognise unethical behaviours and cyberbullying behaviours allows children to enjoy using the internet. With the right e-safety knowledge, children develop an understanding of the dangers of releasing personal information and know what can cause harm.
Implementation: What our computing curriculum looks like and how we teach it.
Our approach to the curriculum results in a fun, engaging and high-quality computing education. We have sets of iPads and computers to serve children throughout Ks1 and Ks2. Embedding technology across other curriculum areas supports children to make connections and remember the key skills they have been taught.
At Knowle, computing is taught using a blocked curriculum approach. This ensures children are able to develop depth in their knowledge and skills over the duration of each of their computing units. Teachers use the Purple Mash platform for the planning of their computing lessons, which are linked to engaging contexts in other subject areas where possible.
The children will have experiences of all three strands in each year group. The subject knowledge becomes increasingly specific and in depth. Solving problems, refining ideas, drawing on prior learning and thinking logically, systematically and creatively are all skills that we teach the children at Knowle in order to be successful in computing.
We recognise the importance of E-Safety, therefore E-Safety is taught initially in the Autumn Term in each year group and is also dripped in throughout the course of each year. Children are taught how to keep themselves safe and what to do when they feel unsafe. We also take part in the Internet Safety day in each year.
As with every subject, we recognise what makes Computing unique, and as a result make pedagogical choices to ensure teaching is the best it can possibly be.
We have captured our pedagogical choice for Computing in our Computing principles which can be seen below:
Impact: How children show that they know and remember more?
Allowing children regular, meaningful access to a range of computer-based technology throughout the curriculum helps to embed these skills and develop their understanding. Through following a progressive, challenging programme of studies, the pupils become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – to think computationally and become active participants in the digital world.
Evidence gathered from children’s saved work and through observations carried out during lesson time is used to feed into teachers' future planning. We seek opportunities to embed the knowledge taught during computing lessons, revisit misconceptions and gaps to ensure that all pupils make good progress.
The subject-specific knowledge developed in our computing lessons equip pupils with experiences which will benefit them in secondary school, further education and future workplaces. From research methods, use of presentation and creative tools and critical thinking, computing at Elburton gives children the building blocks that enable them to pursue a wide range of interests and vocations in the next stage of their lives.
How you can help your child at home:
EYFS and KS1:
- Talk to your child about what technology they like to use and what they like to do online.
- Ask your child to show you the apps they use and watch them use them.
- Learn ways to stay safe online.
- Log in to Purple Mash at home at explore the different tools.
- Talk to your child about what they like to do online.
- Ensure you are aware of what technology your child uses and you are aware of what apps they use.
- Visit the Oak Academy Computing lessons to support your child developing their understanding of Computing.
- Log in to Purple Mash at home at explore the different tools.