Our Mission and Values
We are proud to be a values-driven school, serving our children and community with kindness and ambition. Our Knowle team are committed to delivering the very best education for each and every child who attends our school.
We have a simple statement, 'Every child matters. Every moment counts.' which underpins the work that we do alongside our school values of Kindness, Ambition and Community. It is our mission that every child achieves their potential in their education at Knowle and in doing so, we enable them to be ready to thrive in their next stage of education.
At Knowle, we are committed to doing all that we can to remove barriers to learning, whatever they may be. We have proudly planned a research-informed, ambitious curriculum which is both broad and balanced. Our dedication to the highest quality teaching and learning ensures that every child receives the very best provision at every moment of every day and our nurturing, inclusive approach means that every child is cared for in a way that enables them to thrive in a safe environment.
All of our children understand what it means to be kind and the positive impact that kindness can have in our school and home environments. Our children know that kindness is at the heart of being safe, feeling a sense of belonging and in forming positive relationships.
Our staff team have high expectations for every child. We help our children to understand why they should dream big and work hard to fulfil their dreams and aspirations. Ambition flows through the heart of all we do - from our planned curriculum knowledge, the language and vocabulary that we use through to the techniques we adopt in the classroom to enable all children to thrive in every lesson.
We understand that we can achieve great things when we work together as a community. Community has many links at Knowle: the immediate community we serve and the ways that we seek to engage all stakeholders in our children's eduction; our wider school community, the Learning Academies Trust, and the great things that we have achieved together through rich collaboration; and our global community, seeking that every child understands their role as a young citizen, ready to achieve well and contribute to life in the modern world