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Learning Academies Trust

As of the 1st of April 2018 Knowle Primary School converted from a local authority maintained school to an academy, joining a Multi Academy Trust named The Learning Academies Trust.

LAT Vision and Values

‘Believe you can, together we will.’

Mission Statement

As a newly formed MAT, the ‘Learning Academies Trust’ has three core beliefs that underpin its work. - We believe that every child in our Trust deserves an outstanding education, whatever their starting point or background.

  • We believe that every child in our Trust deserves an outstanding education.
  • We believe that schools work best when they work together
  • We believe that every school is unique.

Every school in the Learning Academies trust will have its own individual mission statement and agreed set of individual school aims and values.

However every school in the Trust is signed up and committed to the following values. The seven Learning Academy Trust ‘We wills’.

  • We will strive for the highest possible academic standards and do everything we can to improve the life chances of the children in our care
  • We will aim to develop our children as responsible rounded citizens
  • We will do everything we can to develop our children’s love of enquiry and perseverance and encourage them to be truly ‘lifelong learners’
  • We will provide a rich and stimulating curriculum for all our children which is both broad and balanced as well as exciting and relevant
  • We will establish an inspirational environment in every classroom in every school
  • We will all work hard and try our very best every day to be ‘outstanding’ in everything we do and strive to be truly ‘world class’

And finally the unique ingredient that makes The Learning Academies Trust a very special place to both learn in and work in.

  • We will not let social disadvantage be an obstacle to success. We know that with great leadership, inspirational teaching, caring pastoral support and hard work, every child in every one of our schools can succeed. 

We are proud to be one of the 18 schools in the Learning Academies Trust family of schools.  For further information about The Learning Academies Trust, please follow the link below.