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Big Stones

Welcome to our Nursery Team!



       Miss May                                     Miss Hallett                              Mrs Tucker                               Mrs Preston

 Early Years Lead                             Nursery Teacher                      Nursery Assistant                     Nursery Assistant


Welcome to our pre-school class for children aged 3–4 years old. Our aim is to provide a happy and caring environment where children can foster a sense of belonging and security, allowing each child to develop confidence and self-esteem.

We ensure our environment is calming, natural and follows the children’s schemas, interests and fascinations, which aims to plan and extend their own learning journey. We value and promote this child-centred approach and believe this enables our young learners to make outstanding progress. We aim to provide rich linguistic experiences, fostering a language-rich environment which is heavily embedded through storytelling, high quality conversations and concept words.

We work closely and alongside families in partnership, which ensures the very best outcomes for children and creates a collaborative environment that enhances a child’s learning and development. We hold termly 'Stay and Learn' events where we invite parents to come in and spend time with their child in class. This is a valuable opportunity for children to showcase their own learning and is a wonderful chance for parents to see how they have developed their own sense of belonging within their school life.

We offer children in Big Stones P.E sessions twice a week as well as Forest School once a week. We are very busy here at Knowle! 


Nursery Session Times
Morning Session 8:30-11:30 £12
Afternoon Session 12:15-3:15 £12
All Day Session 8:30-3:15


We also offer breakfast club from 8am which is free!                     


We share the day-to-day life and experiences of the nursery children through ClassDojo and like to catch families informally on a daily basis to ensure strong working partnerships to the benefit of understanding the whole child.

Our 'Super 6' - Here are the key stories, rhymes and songs we will be covering this year.

Cycle 1


Cycle 2