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Breakfast and After School Club

Breakfast Club

Magic Breakfast was introduced in school back in January 2018. This means that we run a FREE breakfast club for all children in the school on a daily basis. 

What is Magic Breakfast?
Magic Breakfast is a charitable organisation who provide FREE HEALTHY BREAKFAST for all school children depending on the circumstances of each school. Knowle meets the criteria to be eligible for this but now donates to the charity each year to ensure that we continue to receive food. 

During Breakfast Club the children are offered a range of cereals, bagels and fruit juices and are able to sit with their friends and enjoy a positive start to the day.

Breakfast Club runs from 8.00am to 8.30am. Children can attend club anytime between these times.

After School Club

After School Club was introduced in April 2018. Since then the club has grown over time as we meet the needs of parents and our school community. In order to ensure that the club is accessible to all, we take children from Foundation to Year 6. Children can be booked in to After School Club in advance or on a day by day basis. 

Details of the provision are listed below:

The club will run from 3.15pm until 6.00pm. Parents can book on to one of two sessions. These are 3.15pm to 4.45pm or 3.15pm to 6.00pm. If you child attends one of the sports clubs after school run by teachers, or staff from Go Active, they are able to attend after school club following this.

Prices for After School Club are as follows:

3.15 - 4.45pm - £3.00
3.15 - 6.00pm - £6.00
4.15 - 4.45pm - £2.00 (To attend after a Sports Club)
4.15 - 6.00pm - £5.00 (To attend after a Sports Club)

The club is run from our School Hall. Parents are asked to collect their children from the side door leading to the hall. When entering school grounds please enter the gate on the right and the hall door will be the first door on your left.

The staff who will be working at the club are members of staff already employed by Knowle Primary School. They will all be familiar and friendly faces to your children as well as yourselves.

Your child will be provided with a light healthy snack(s) during the session along with plenty of drinks. This is included in the cost. The children will still require an evening meal at home.

The activities that take place at the club will vary each day. It is the responsibility of the members of staff running the club to run activities for the children. There will be a mixture of activities taking place such as Arts and Craft, Sport, Baking, Board Games etc. These will be decided over the coming weeks and will also be led by the children who attend the club, listening to their ideas on what they would like to do.

How do I book my child/children in to After School Club?

The form below is the booking form for the entire term. This form can also be found in the school reception. Simply complete the booking form and return this to the school office. We currently only take cash for After School Club.