Reception - Attenborough
Miss May - Class Teacher / EYFS Lead
A note from Miss May
Welcome to Attenborough Class. Attenborough Class is our reception class here at Knowle Primary School. Our class names have been chosen based on inspirational people across the world and throughout history. We are very excited to learn all about David Attenborough throughout the year.
Throughout the year we will be closely observing your children and extending their learning using their schemas, needs and interests. We will upload all learning on to Tapestry for you to support at home.
Please share the learning you have completed at home, we would love to see it on Tapestry! Likewise if you would like to contact us for help we will be more than happy to see how we can support.
You can contact us using the email:
We are looking forward to our year of learning and fun! In the meantime please explore the useful links pages.
Miss May
Please note that we have PE on a Monday and a Tuesday, so please remember to dress your child in their full PE kit on this day. Please ensure your child has their coloured PE top, PE hoodie, PE bottoms, hair tied up and jewelery removed on these days so that they are ready and safe to take part.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Days subject to change once full timetable has been released.
In Reception, the children will bring home weekly phonics sheets to practice using the sound and to practice letter formation. In addition, the children will bring home a Numbots login at the start of the year. Please support your children in using this at home to enable them to progress further. Children will also be given topic homework each week, where they will get a chance to explore other subjects in more depth.
Please encourage your child to read for at least 10 minutes EVERY night.
In Reception, the children will bring home a reading book and a library book for you to share together. Children should bring in their reading records every day and are encouraged to read every night at home. Please do encourage your child to read at home, it'll only take 5 to 10 minutes and makes a tremendous difference to their confidence and attainment in class! The reading book you receive will be in line with your child's reading ability.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Star of the Week will be awarded to a different child every Friday afternoon for being a superstar all week! It could be for their attitude to learning, behaviour or producing outstanding work (to name a few!).
Our Super Six
How We Plan
Please see below letter regarding our Forest School Provision.