Reporting Children's Progress
At Knowle, it is vital that we develop strong relationships between the family home and school.
Over the school year, there are planned opportunities for you to find out how your child is making progress in school. Some opportunities are more formal and others more informal.
Parents and Carers Meetings with Teachers
These meetings take place twice per year. Once in the autumn term, usually in October and then again in the spring term, usually in March. At these meetings, teachers will discuss the following information about your child:
- how they are developing socially, interacting with their peers and developing friendships
- how they are making progress academically across all areas of the curriculum
- their effort and dedication to hard work and aspiring to achieve well
- their attendance
If your child has an IEP, meetings provide the opportunity to share how your child is making progress towards their personalised IEP targets.
Written Summary Reports
We send a written summary report in the summer term which provides you with an overview of the progress that they have made over the academic year.
Our summary reports share the following information about your child:
- an overview of their development and progress across the year
- a report on their progress and effort in Reading, Writing and Maths
- a report on their attainment and effort in the wider curriculum including a particular area of interest
- their attendance
If you would like to know what the specific year group expectations are for your child across the curriculum, please click on the tabs at the side of this page. This information will provide a summary of the knowledge and skills that your child will demonstrate by the end of this year group.