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Music at Knowle


Our focus at Knowle Primary School, is to allow pupils the opportunities to develop new musical skills, knowledge and creativity through a clear progression of concepts, collaborative singing and playing of instruments. Opportunities and enrichment will be provided for our children through learning specific instruments and collaborative, purposeful performances. 




Charanga is used to support non-specialist teachers to implement specific music units within the curriculum eg glockenspiel and djembe drumming.  Teachers are supported by the music subject leader to develop the skills and knowledge to deliver lessons.  The music subject leader leads singing practices and choir.  Visiting music specialists from the Plymouth music service deliver specialist instrument tuition. 

Teachers use the planned year group objectives and suggested content from the LAT music curriculum map (adapted from the New Music Model Curriculum), supported by year group progressions for listening, singing, musicianship and performing, composition and notation. Practical music sessions are then delivered, with specific units supported by the interactive teaching programme, Charanga.  Creative and collaborative playing & performance opportunities are integral to the intent and implementation of the music curriculum.
Year groups create and follow MTPs – medium term plans – for music following the above New Music Model progression, objectives and detail specific vocabulary linked to the units taught. 

Year 5 receives whole class Ukulele sessions led by a qualified tutor. Class sets of musical instruments support delivery of curriculum units eg glockenspiels, ukuleles and drums.


The media drive has a Music Evidence digital file for video recordings of live performances to provide evidence of achievement of year group objectives from the EYFS to Year 6.  

New end of unit focused music assessments created collaboratively by Shakespeare Primary and Knowle Primary music subject leads.  These include both musical knowledge and practical playing/singing skills in order to cover the required music objectives.


We will know this strategy is being effective when pupils can recall their regular musical experiences, talk about their learning using technical musical vocabulary and demonstrate their skills through performances which demonstrate the application of a combination of the musical elements. 


This will be evidenced within their live performances and through video recordings.