Year 1/2 Anning
Hello and welcome to Anning class. Once again, we have named our classes based on inspirational people from around the world and throughout history.
Helping the children with their learning this year is myself, Mrs Hill (Class Teacher).
In addition, we also have help from our wonderful Teaching Assistants, Miss Trapnell and Miss Morris. The fabulous Mrs Walters (our school SENDco) will teach the class on a Monday.
Our three topics this year are:
- Autumn - Our local area - children will learn about Drake's rise to royal favour and start to explore where we live.
- Spring - Great Fire of London
- Summer- Explorers
I am committed to building positive relationships with all children and their families and enjoy having that link, so please feel free to contact me whenever you need to and I will always do my best to help however I can. If we can't speak at the door, please use Class Dojo (please just be aware that I will not see messages on Class Dojo during the school day due to teaching).
I can't wait for us to have an amazing year together.
Mrs Hill and Mrs Walters
Please note that we have PE on a Thursday, so remember to dress your child in their full PE kit on this day. Please ensure your child has their coloured PE top, PE hoodie, PE bottoms, hair tied back and jewellery removed on these days so that they are ready and safe to take part.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Year One
For Year One, homework will consist of spellings to practise for a test every Friday. The spellings are linked to the Year 1 National Curriculum. In addition, the children will bring home a Fantastic Facts math sheet with a range of calculations to solve. The sums will be the same every week and the idea is that the children will become more fluent in solving the calculations each week. Please ensure you also read with your child for 10 minutes EVERY night.
Year Two
For Year Two, homework will consist of spellings to practise for a test every Friday. The spellings are linked to the Year 2 National Curriculum. In addition, the children will bring home their Times Table Travels sheet which they will be timed on weekly in hope that they will fly to the next country! The children should practice their 2x, 5x and 10x. Please ensure you also read with your child for 10 minutes EVERY night.
Please note- Spellings tests will take place on a Friday
Children should bring in their reading records every day and are encouraged to read every night at home. Please do encourage your child to read at home, it'll only take 5 to 10 minutes and makes a tremendous difference to their confidence and attainment in class! The reading book you receive will be in line with your child's reading ability. The children are assessed regularly and book levels are set accordingly. Books will only be changed if the reading record has been signed by an adult at home.
AR- For children on the AR scheme, we encourage children to read the book 3 times before they quiz to give them the best chance of gaining 100%. Please continue to return the book each day.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Below are some links to help you. Your child has a log in for TTRS, Numbots and Myon to be able to access these from home.