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Year 5/6 Dali


 Welcome to Dali class!

At Knowle, classes are named after inspirational people and our class is named after the famous artist, Salvador Dali. He was a Spanish Surrealist painter and printmaker known for exploring dream-like images. Arguably, his most famous painting is The Persistence of Memory (1931), depicting melting watches. The children already know and will continue to learn more about Dali and why he is such an inspirational role model. 

The class teachers this year are Ms Edwards (Monday to Wednesday) and Mr Bashford-Cole (Thursday and Friday) and the superb Miss Palmer will be the teaching assistant this year.

Our topics this year are: 

Autumn: World War Two

Spring: Anglo-Saxons

Summer: Vikings

We love to build a relationship with all children and their families and enjoy having that link, so please feel free to contact us whenever you need to. We hold an open door policy, so please come and speak to us and we will try and help in any way we can.

It is going to be a fantastic final year in Year 5/6! 

Ms Edwards and Mr Bashford-Cole


Please note that we have PE on a Monday, so please remember to dress your child in their full PE kit on this day. Please ensure your child has their coloured PE top, PE hoodie, PE bottoms, hair tied up and jewellery removed on these days so that they are ready and safe to take part.


For Year 5 and 6, homework will consist of spellings to practice for a test on the following Friday. The spellings are linked to the National Curriculum. In addition, the children will bring home a Times Table Trek sheet with a range of times tables to solve. Please support your children in practicing them at home to enable them to progress further. Children will also be given topic homework each week, where they will get a chance to explore other subjects in more depth. 

Please encourage your child to read for at least 20-30 minutes EVERY night.


Children should bring in their reading records every day and are encouraged to read every night at home. Please do encourage your child to read at home, it'll make a tremendous difference to their confidence and attainment in class!  The reading book you receive will be in line with your child's reading ability.  The children are assessed regularly and book levels are set accordingly.  Please try and complete their reading record by signing it to acknowledge they have read at home and we can check these in school and gets books quizzed and changed. 

Thank you for your help, support and cooperation.

Useful Links

Times Table Rockstars

Spelling List 5/6

Autumn Term Parent Overview

Dartmoor Residential Info

Please see below leaflet for parents.